1. Realize that you have a choice. If you’re not where you want to be, and you’re not doing something about it, you’re choosing to be where you are. Many times the choices we have can be so difficult to make that we don’t see them as choices. It’s important to take an honest look at where we are and own up to the CHOICES we are making. Staying in denial and telling yourself that you have no choice is one way to stay stuck for a long time. Once you admit that there is a CHOICE… even if it’s a difficult choice…THEN you can work on overcoming the fear or difficulty. You can build up the confidence to make that CHOICE that scares the hell out of you.
2. Don’t limit your options by pre-judging them. Another way to stay stuck for a long, long time is to take your options and throw them out. That knee-jerk response in your head that interrupts you and says, “there’s no way”, or “I can’t”… just shut it off. Usually that voice is driven by some form of fear – a fear of failure, a fear of change, a fear of having to do work or endure sacrifice. Be HONEST with yourself and look at the fear head-on before pretending like you don’t have an option. Sometimes the best course of action is the one that you at first think you just can’t do.
3. Be OPEN to conceiving of new options. Know that at EVERY point in time there are an infinite number of possibilities, and all we need is one that is better than what we have now. When you tell yourself “I have no choice”, you are turning off the creative part of your mind that would otherwise be searching for options. Meditate on the fact that there is a better way… you KNOW there is a choice… you just need to SEE it… Call it “Inspiration”… “God”… “Source”… “Subconscious”… something will reveal the answer to you. One thing seems to be consistent across all the explanations – answers are a lot more likely to come when you’re searching, so don’t stop looking.
Own up to your situation and realize that you have a choice. Don’t limit your options, even if the choices are not always pleasant. Always keep an open mind, knowing that the choices that you see are nothing compared to the options that are available.
There are an infinite number of paths to take you from where you are to where you want to be; all you need is one.